Before you can kick back and relax when you’ve arrived at your campsite you need to make sure your motorhome is level. For some, this involves a bit of trial and error with ramps and spirit levels but for others, it’s as easy as pressing a button.
In this month’s community poll we’d like to know if you have an automatic levelling system on your motorhome?
An automatic levelling system can take the hassle out of getting your motorhome perfectly level. Using hydraulic or electric jacks, the system automatically adjusts your motorhome’s position to make sure it’s stable and even. You can say goodbye to levelling ramps cluttering up your storage too.
These systems can also make your motorhome more stable on site and will make sure your motorhome fridge works efficiently and that water drains away more effectively in your shower tray. Plus, they’ll make your motorhome very difficult to drive away by a thief when the levelling jacks are deployed.
Tilt functions on some automatic levelling systems will also help drain your water tanks as well as making changing a motorhome wheel easy.
But this convenience does come at a cost, with the price of retrofit systems often exceeding £5000.
Over to you…
We’d love to hear from you if you already have an automatic levelling system fitted to your motorhome, or if you’re thinking about getting a system fitted. Or if you prefer sticking to traditional motorhome levelling ramps? Let us know in the comments below.
We’ll report back the results in March along with a guide to automatic levelling systems.
I have a 2023 motorhome and have considered automatic levelling but find the price tag to expensive at present.
I am sure that like most tech, the price will come down the more people use it and even more over time.
In 7 years of motorhoming have only used ramps a couple of times. Near enough is good enough for me.If you’ve got the money go for it, otherwise go to the pub.
Nice to but as an earlier comment,very expensive and heavy. I do not have either the funds or load allowance.
We have a MA-VE system on our Motorhome and in our opinion they are the ultimate motor home luxury. When you pull up on site it only takes seconds to be fully set up and level.
Added benefits are
If the wheels are not on the ground it is more difficult to steal and the potential thief will look for an easier target.
Easier to fit a wheel clamp with the legs raised
If you have a flat tyre to change, just raise one side on the jacks.
When working underneath the MH, raise the jacks for easier and safer access
Takes seconds to level.
Some of the nicest plots are ones that are not level but perfect when you have legs.
The MH is firm with no movement.
You do not feel any movement in strong winds.
Jack up one side to fully empty the waste tank.
When stuck in the mud, jack up the front legs to place grip under tyres, lower and drive off.
Yes it was expensive but some of the best money we have spent and I feel we have benefited from having them time and time again
We bought an HPC system from AS Suspension in Warrington following a tour to Scandinavia where three vans had the system and we were able to see the advantages. When we sold our Homer we had the system transferred to our IH 680 CRL as we would not be without it for all the reasons identified in the article.
We like the HPC system as it is relatively light at around 40 kilos and the base plate moves to the ground on which it sits. We also recommend AS Suspension to fit and service the system.
I have the TESA electro-mechanical auto levelling jacks. I chose them for 2 reasons. One, they fold up when not in use and have very little sticking out below the chassis. Two, the installed price was only £3400 which was a couple of thousand less than hydraulic. For ease of vehicle maintenance/wheel changing being able to lift just the left, right, back or front independently is ideal.
I’d love self-levelling. But 5K???
Undoubtedly a luxury these hydraulic levelling systems are desirable rather than essential, nothing wrong with the levelling ramps and blocks most use though personally having reached a stage in life where bending and lifting are more difficult than in years gone by I wonder how I previously managed without these automatic systems.
Cost is the main factor in installing self levelling systems though the app 50/60 kg weight uses up valuable payload on lighter weight motorhomes too. If you can afford the £6000 cost of hydraulic self levelling then go for it, you won’t look back.
As a solo traveller I did not want to rely on someone else quiding me up ramps and so the hydraulic kit was an ideal, if expensive solution. I can arrive on site and have the van levelled in less than a couple of minutes.