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Latest poll results reveal how much you’d spend on a new caravan thumbnail

This month’s Caravan Guard poll looks at the cost of a caravan – how much would most of you be prepared to pay? Latest results are in!


2014 Coachman Pastiche 565/4 caravan review: In safe hands thumbnail

It’s a weighty package, but the Coachman Pastiche touring caravan delivers on equipment and comfortable accommodation for all the family.


2014 Swift Sterling Eccles SE Topaz caravan review thumbnail

The Sterling Eccles SE Topaz made by Swift, is a two-berth model built using the company’s new SMART technology. Although considered a mid-range caravan, its interior design is far from middle-of-the-road.


Presenting an insurer’s perfect caravan: Safe, secure & easy to repair! thumbnail

We’ve used our claims experience to design ‘perfect caravan’ – it’s safe, secure & offers great caravan insurance discounts! Take a look and tell us what you think.


2014 Hymer StarLine S B 680 S motorhome review: Putting a premium on a star thumbnail

Over £100,000 for a motorhome? Can we be serious? Believe it or not, despite all of the general economic pressures there’s still a buoyant – albeit small – sector of the market that offers an incredible amount of choice. But, here’s one vehicle that should be on everyone’s shopping list.


2014 Hillside Dalbury motorhome review: micro that thinks big thumbnail

Who says size doesn’t matter? As a van conversion specialist that’s daring to think big, Derby-based Hillside Leisure has come up with a small cracker here.


What type of modifications will affect my motorhome insurance? thumbnail

Have you ever wondered which modifications could potentially affect your motorhome insurance? This handy guide has everything you need to know.


What price would you pay? Latest poll results are in! thumbnail

What price would you pay? This month we investigate the price of buying a new motorhome as we reveal the results of latest online poll.


Team CG aim to raise £7000 for Great Yorkshire Bike Ride thumbnail

This year we have a 12 strong team competing in the 2014 Great Yorkshire Bike Ride. Find out more about this event and how you can donate.

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It’s time to reveal which caravan and motorhome pre-journey check you consider most important thumbnail

What do you consider to be the most important caravan or motorhome pre-journey check? That’s the question we asked last month now let’s reveal the answer.

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