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Which 2015 motorhomes offer the best insurance discounts? thumbnail

Got your eye on a shiny new 2015 motorhome but don’t want to pay over the odds on insurance? This month’s guide reveals which new models offer the biggest insurance savings.


Your votes reveal if motorhomes seatbelts should equal berths thumbnail

Last month we wanted to get your thoughts on whether motorhomes should have the same number of seatbelts as they do berths. It’s now time to see how you voted.


2015 Swift Bolero 684FB motorhome review: Back in black thumbnail

Everything you could ever need in a motorhome plus a little bit extra! The Swift Bolero 684FB motorhome reviewed.


Is the build quality of new caravans and motorhomes improving? thumbnail

With an abundance of new construction methods, materials, interiors and chassis to choose from nowadays, we want to know if you think the build quality of new caravans and motorhomes is improving. Vote now in this month’s online poll.


Results reveal how often you measure your caravan’s noseweight thumbnail

Checking your caravan’s noseweight is a key part of everyday caravanning. Question is, how often do most people measure theirs? Let’s find out as we reveal the results of last month’s online poll.


2015 Coachman VIP 575/4 caravan review thumbnail

The ever popular fixed bed layout is back again in the Coachman VIP 575 touring caravan. A great 4 berth tourer, but will it be on your shortlist for 2015?


Leisuredrive Vivante Hi-Line: Age of independence thumbnail

A well put-together camper van, the Leisuredrive Vivante provides superb holiday accommodation in a compact package.


Gear Guide: Solar panels for motorhomes thumbnail

Could you be putting the roof of your motorhome or campervan to better use with solar panels? Read our guide on buying and installing renewable energy for your vehicle.


Which 2015 caravans save me the most on my insurance? thumbnail

There are dozens of new caravans to choose from in 2015, but which ones save you the most on your insurance? Let’s find out as we examine the new models with the best safety and security features.


2015 Bailey Unicorn Seville caravan review: third time even luckier thumbnail

The new compact Bailey Unicorn Seville. It’s big on specification, but not on price, so you’ll be hard pushed to find a 2 berth tourer in this price range with this level of equipment. Read our full review.

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