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Poll results: How you deal with a flat motorhome battery… thumbnail

In last month’s poll we asked if you’ve ever called your breakdown provider to deal with a flat battery. Read the results here.


Caravan, Camping & Motorhome Show 2016 – ticket winners announced! thumbnail

We’ve picked the winners of our Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show ticket competition! Is your name on the list?

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Five star caravan insurance for five years! thumbnail

5-star rating for the high standards of insurance cover available to caravan owners.

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New discounts for the safety conscious caravanner thumbnail

New for 2016, we’re launching a fantastic range of new discounts for security marking and other safety products so the careful caravanner can save even more on their insurance. For caravan owners who invest in extra safety and security devices or products to reduce the risk of theft, road accidents or reversing damage, Caravan Guard are offering […]

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New videos reveal why customers trust Caravan Guard to insure their freedom thumbnail

See why Caravan Guard is the specialist insurer of choice for our customers and what they love about touring in two new videos.

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The making of the Caravan Guard videos thumbnail

Our new videos reveal why customers trust us to insure their caravan or motorhome and what they love about touring. We go behind the scenes and look at the making of these two short lifestyle films…

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2016 Compass Corona 554: Heat to compete thumbnail

With a retractable island bed, this is sure to prove a popular layout in the Compass Corona 554 touring caravan.

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2016 Bailey Approach Advance 615:  Putting a premium on seating thumbnail

Top quality finish at a surprisingly affordable price! Read our full review of the Bailey Approach Advance 615 motorhome.


Caravan Guard and Brownhills celebrate 15-year partnership thumbnail

Loyal customer cuts celebration cake to mark 15-year partnership between insurance specialist Caravan Guard and motorhome dealership Brownhills.

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2016 Coachman Laser 650 Caravan Review thumbnail

The four berth Coachman Laser 650 is under the spotlight in our latest touring caravan review. How will it measure up?


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