A guide to parking your motorhome safely
Your motorhome is a huge financial investment, so avoid any unnecessary insurance claims with our top tips for parking safely.

Poll results reveal caravanners are wheely safe and secure!
Wheel security and safety were the top priority for our careful caravanning voters. We asked what safety and security measures you had for your touring caravan in our latest community poll. Axle wheel locks and anti-snaking devices came in top position, with many stressing the importance of locking up at motorway service stations when the […]

Protecting against those minor motorhome bumps: Accessory gear guide
We take a look at three accessories to help avoid those unwanted motorhome bumps and scrapes and keep damage to a minimum.

New ultra-secure hi-tech CRiS registration document to hit the industry
New CRiS registration document includes lots of hi-tech hidden features, making it even more secure.

2016 Dreamer D42 motorhome review: Sleeping in on a budget
Motorhome ownership on a budget – the Rapido Dreamer D42 offers a great choice for first time buyers and those looking to see their budget go further.

2016 Swift Conqueror 565 caravan review: Single beds, double luxury
Twin beds and a high quality finish are on offer in the stylish new Swift Conqueror 565 touring caravan. Read our full review here.

Poll results: How you deal with a flat motorhome battery…
In last month’s poll we asked if you’ve ever called your breakdown provider to deal with a flat battery. Read the results here.

Caravan, Camping & Motorhome Show 2016 – ticket winners announced!
We’ve picked the winners of our Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show ticket competition! Is your name on the list?

Five star caravan insurance for five years!
5-star rating for the high standards of insurance cover available to caravan owners.

New discounts for the safety conscious caravanner
New for 2016, we’re launching a fantastic range of new discounts for security marking and other safety products so the careful caravanner can save even more on their insurance. For caravan owners who invest in extra safety and security devices or products to reduce the risk of theft, road accidents or reversing damage, Caravan Guard are offering […]