Video: My caravan pre-towing checklist

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  1. Brian Reed says:

    Don’t forget – check the cat hasn’t sneaked in before you close the door!

  2. Chris Reading says:

    Brilliant. And thanks to all who’ve added further suggestions. My partner and I always do the same checks in opposite directions, rather than follow the leader. Always said we should have a checklist, so thanks a mill. Now where did we leave the car!

  3. Arthur Branthwaite says:

    As a husband and wife team we find two heads are better than one, it pays off too, we are all human and at times overlook to check certain items. Good article

  4. Philip,gledhill says:

    Just came back to caravaning agter a. Umber of years and I used this last year to remind us of wvwrything to do, it was great, although some of rhe ofher caravanwrs looked atme as if, newboy !!!!!!!

  5. John Devlin says:

    It is essential to have a checklist, which should include more than one checker to prevent an oversight.
    I would also advise (not necessarily a checklist) an awareness of impending rain where roof windows are concerned, particularly overnight rain.

  6. Josie Lane-Burford says:

    All good common sense, both in the Check list and in the customer’s comments, but what about ensuring that towing mirrors are affixed before starting off, also that the road lights on the caravan are working, and the break away cable properly connected?

    • Lucie @ Caravan Guard says:

      Three really good suggestions Josie, thanks! Don’t forget there are three spare lines at the bottom of the checklist to add your own checks! That way you won’t forget a thing.

  7. Paul Hart says:

    Will you add the other suggestions to your list and then arrange a reprint. I can then encapsulate it knowing it will not get worn out and soiled.

  8. Bob Holland says:

    Additional check:
    Check ALL exterior locker doors are closed and locked.
    (Re-check main door).

  9. tim searle says:

    Don’t forget to disengage mover mechanism.

  10. Michael Collier says:

    I have done my own check lists for starting off, for setting up and for coming back home.It means there are no mistakes like leaving skylight open or many other things that could get missed

    • Lucie @ Caravan Guard says:

      It sounds like you’re very organised Michael – you can never have too many checklists!

  11. Lawrie Woodley says:

    Very handy article and checklist. Trouble is, don’t seem able to print it!

    • Craig @ Caravan Guard says:

      Dear Lawrie, I’m sorry you were unable to print this. I have sent you the pdf of the checklist as a file attached to an email. Please let me know how you get on with that.

  12. John Parkinson says:

    a/ Ensure all external access doors are closed and secured
    b/ All taps including shower are open at mid point for for hot and cold

  13. Jimmy Stobbart says:

    This is brilliant! A simple but effective reminder of things to do because I always seem to forget something when hitching up!

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