Electric tow car poll results

Published in Caravan Guard News, Polls on   - 7 Comments

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  1. Jack says:

    Totally agree, we were told to buy diesel cars by a labour government, and we did, now we are being told to buy electric vehicles by government. Will they change their mind again in a few years, and ban electric cars as the grid cannot keep up with demand.
    Also the huge cost of buying an electric car is prohibitive for many.
    I will stick with my 2.2 diesel car and my 2.3 diesel motorhome..

  2. Adrian says:

    Nose weights on Hybrid and Electric cars are significantly lower than “normal” cars.

  3. Tony Fletcher says:

    Sorry but when I read my comments I made earlier I must have had dyslexic fingers. Hope you can understand it.

  4. Dave Clissold says:

    Hybrid cars are not permitted after 2030 generally so unless the rules are changed there will be no cars suitable for towing

  5. Tony Fletcher says:

    We only travel long distances with our caravan and we would have to be able to recharge the batteries in one to two hours.say over a lunch break and would the recharging bays have the room to accommodate a car and caravan still connected.
    I believe that going totally electric is a con that the faceless in Whitehall as decided just like they did a few years ago that we should all go diesel.
    Are we also be changing all trucks and trains to electric power.

  6. Richard Hill says:

    Well, I will stay with the internal Combustion Engine as long as possible and that my be may last car before I pack up driving

  7. Philip says:

    I have heard that some hybrid and electric cars are not suitable for towing as designated by the manufacturers.

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