
Our Paperless Policies continue to make hearts beat thumbnail

Our customers continue to make hearts beat by opting for paperless policies and helping us to raise money for life-saving heart research.

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Caravan Guard to pay campervan insurance to support BBC Children in Need’s 2020 Appeal thumbnail

We’re supporting this year’s BBC Children in Need Appeal by paying for campervan insurance up to £1,000 for their prize draw winner.

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Paperless insurance policies raise more than £110,000 for heart charity thumbnail

Our Paperless Policies initiative has raised more than £110,000 for Heart Research UK in the last 10 years. Read more about our fundraising efforts.

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Caravan Guard delivers thousands of pounds of festive cheer! thumbnail

This December we’ve delivered a massive £25,000 of festive cheer to a range of charities in our countdown to Christmas.

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Caravan Guard pledge to raise thousands in Great Yorkshire Bike Ride thumbnail

We’re saddling up for the Great Yorkshire Bike Ride and have pledged to raise thousands of pounds for charity. See how you can help us.

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Caravan Guard deliver thousands of pounds of festive cheer thumbnail

We’ve been delivering thousands of pounds of festive cheer to more than 30 charities this December.

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Our bike ride team win top fundraising award thumbnail

We were delighted to pick up the Great Yorkshire Bike Ride Team Award for raising the highest amount of sponsorship in 2018.

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Thousands raised for angels in the sky thumbnail

We’ve once again raised thousands of pounds for Yorkshire Air Ambulance from a series of fundraising initiatives.

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Our paperless policies are helping hearts across the UK thumbnail

Thanks to all our customers who chose to go paperless and receive their insurance policies by email rather than post – we’ve just written a big cheque to Heart Research UK!

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Caravan Guard delivers Christmas cheer to cancer centre thumbnail

We’re proud to have delivered £58,000 of Christmas cheer to the Yorkshire Cancer Centre to help meet a £1 million milestone for a hi-tech MRi Simulator.

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Reassuringly good cover from a leading insurer
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Safe and secure online quotes
Trusted family business since 1984
Confidence in a trusted family business
Highly rated claims service
Highly rated claims service
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Member of the National Caravan Council
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Heart Research donation for every paperless policy
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Plain English policy and documents
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