Gear Guide: Solar panels for motorhomes

Published in Caravanning Top Tips, Motorhoming Top Tips on   - 8 Comments

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  1. Paul Wakefield says:


    Do you have a list of recommended fitters for solar panels ?

    I live in Surrey so if you know of any round here that would be great.



  2. Terry Burdon says:

    I have a swift 630G motor home. Which flexible solar panel do you recommend. More output the better.

  3. Craig says:

    I’ve fitted a single 280w mono on my Kontiki 669.
    It produces 19amps on a sunny day and the lowest produced was 0.9amps during a storm.
    Across the board this is enough to keep two 110ah leisure batteries charged and gives me complete freedom from hookups. Perfect for tramping the lesser visited areas of Scotland and Europe.
    Bimble Solar near Lewes in E Sussex supplied the panel, Mppt regulator and cable, excellent little company, full of knowledge and not purely interested in profit. Total costs for the system £338.00. With such a large panel 180cm x 90cm it’s wise to fit down with at least 10 “glue down” brackets, plus I fitted a small spoiler to deflect wind and reduce any chance of lifting.
    Wattage may be a bit excessive, but better a little too much than run out and have to run the generator.

  4. Simon says:

    I have just fitted a 300w system on my RV. A DIY install with all parts purchased via eBay including controller, remote monitor, 2x 150w panels, mounting brackets that can be andled if required and all specific cables. System runs a split charger and you can manage the power to each battery bank from the controller. It works amazingly and in good sunlight produces 19 amps! Total cost £330 and 3 hours to install. Slightly over the required specification but can run an inverter for hours and now never require mains power.
    Highly recommend…..!

  5. M Bartle says:

    Fitted a 60W Solar Panel Package to my 2006 Symbol roof, worked great, helped by changing the six internal flourecent lights (8W each) to LED Strips (1W each) and also have Avetek TV. We do a lot of Aires & also had a 7 days spell on a site without hook up, some days cloudy our 75AmpHr leisure battery kept charged no problem. Can recommend if energy use not to high.
    Word of warning check if you plan to fit a Duel Battery Controller that can charge both Leisure & Starter batteries, I haven’t yet found one so far that can, we ordered a dual battery charge Controller to do this, but it wasn’t until it arrived we discovered from info that came (not told when we ordered) with it & confirmed by supplier one of the batteries had to be totally isolated from the other, not the case on a motorhome as Alternater & 240V charger effectively link & charges both of them, so could only connect one to the Panel. It all still works, but will be changing controller at some time, if I find one to do the job. Would also recommend fitting twin pole fused spurs on cable from Panel to Controller and cable to battery, makes it easier to isolate them, if you need to disconnect e.ther.

    • Lucie @ Caravan Guard says:

      Thanks for your comment, some great insightful points that I’m sure others reading this will find useful.


  6. A Kirkup says:

    Hi I’ve change from my motorhome which i insured with you.
    To a caravan. can i still insure with you.
    cheers A Kirkup

    • Lucie @ Caravan Guard says:

      Hi A Kirkup, of course! 🙂 There’s a wealth of information on our touring caravan policy here. Or to find out where you can save with our safety and security discounts, see here. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to speak to someone, you can call us on 01422 396 769 (Mobile friendly).
      Many thanks


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