Bailey Pegasus GT 65 Rimini Caravan Review

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  1. James. Donald says:

    Hi we just got a 2014 Pegasus Rimini a month ago. Quite surprised to read it is heavier than our Senator Virginia by about 60 kg. I thought the Alutec body models were lighter? They are both the same length. Also I did notice when towing it home from Dealer it didn’t seem to be as stable as the old one. I feel you could induce sway/ fish tail if not being careful? The old Senator was steady as a rock. Also disappointed they have no onboard tank which the Senator had very handy when traveling or a one night stop over just enough water for a cuppa or two. Certainly like the rear bathroom and square shower etc. We are looking forward to a couple of months away in it this June. That will be the crunch time.

  2. Robert. Ross says:

    Purchased 2013 Rimini last year and love it. Unfortunately this year service highlighted 50 per cent damp front to offside. How can this be when van was checked last year and was o.k.

  3. Stephen says:

    Our Bailey GT 65 Rimini ,bought new in 2014,has repeated problems with heating, and I am waiting for Farnham Leisure or Whale or Bailey to sort out the fault to Ivan or heater unit yet again. We are on our third control panel (what a misnomer), and consider the 19 k I paid Farnham leisure to be bullet-proof, to be the stuff of nightmares.
    If you are unfortunate enough to have bought a similar horror, don’t forget that Whale don’t work on a Friday afternoons, just in case somebody might need to talk to them urgently before going away for the weekend. Oh yes and they look try to blame any problem on limescale

  4. M pagett says:

    We have a2014 Pegasus Rimini an have been away five times and love it it’s the best one yet and we have had a Bailey ranger, a senator Vermont, and a 2012 Pegasus Rimini we love going away in it and it tows well.

  5. michael reeeves says:

    Have had our Pegasus Rimini for 18 months now. Originally had problems with control panel but Whale sent out engineer twice who fitted new version control panel and since then, everything great. My wife and I love the van, the twin beds are ideal for us and the big lounge area is great. As was previously said, there might be some people with problems but there are many who are satisfied

  6. clive bridges says:

    Ho dear,just read all the coments on the Bailey gt65 rimini just ordered one don’t think I want to spend 18k to go through all problems think I,ll contact dealer tomorrow and cancel.

    • Craig @ Caravan Guard says:

      I wouldn’t be so hasty to do that. It seems from above that a resolution has been found for the issues. The Pegasus is one of the UK’s best selling caravans so it must have lots of satisfied owners.

  7. Mike pocknell says:

    My Rimini is also may 2013.heating gas been modified twice,firstly in August 2013,then when we came back from Spain last April.last time by a freelance chap sent by whale.the heating has worked perfectly ever since,and is virtually silent on electric,I find adjusting the temp.setting is ideal for night use.

  8. mike pocknell says:

    hello,pegasus rimini,same problems as others with heating mostly.van is may 13,heating updated during last summer,been playing up the last 7 weeks in spain,engineer due out when we get home this weekend,15/16th.april.

  9. john mortimer says:

    just brought my pegasus gt65 out of storage to get ready for its first service I could smell dampness in the rear wash room and on inspection green mould at the bottom of the wardrobe also panel under the off side bed is covered in green mould have found the problem to be the rear grp panel when i pour water over it it leaks into the end washroom cant wait to see what baileys excuse will be

    • Lucie @ Caravan Guard says:

      Let’s hope the damage isn’t widespread and you get things sorted quickly John.

      Keep us updated.

      Caravan Guard

  10. Wendy says:

    What a shame, no other comments. maybe later in the year

  11. Wendy says:

    I have to say, I miss the two separate lots of lights over the kitchen.
    The 2012 Rimini had two switches, but on the 2013 Rimini GT65 there is only one switch and that means all four lights have to be on. It was much nicer with two separate lights

  12. Wendy says:

    Has anybody noticed that when you open the snack table how a very bad draft blows through. Having checked in the side front storage cupboards, although the base is sealed, the back of the cupboards are not. We are looking into having the back of the cupboards sealed. We use our caravan Pegasus Rimini GT65 during the winter, the draft is horrendous.
    Our dealer checked other models ie: Unicorn etc ., on his forecourt and all the Baileys were the same.
    The high standard class of insulation is certainly not up to scratch.
    Has anybody got any comments ?????

  13. Wendy says:

    Hi Lucie, thank you for the information, it was most helpful. Merry Xmas and a happy new year to you x

  14. Wendy Donohue says:

    where is the Solar panel plug location

    • Lucie @ Caravan Guard says:

      Hi Wendy,
      I’ve had a look on Bailey’s website and the solar panel connection is on the near side of the caravan to the left-hand-side of the door. You can actually see it behind the door on the first picture above. Let me know if you need further information. Many thanks


  15. Wendy Donohue says:

    Vickie re 9th August post. We had terrible trouble with our tap pressure, but when we unscrewed the sparkler, the filters were all badly clogged up and taking these filters out has cured the water pressure which is perfect now.

    • Lesley and mike says:

      You genius Wendy. Thank you so much for your common sense. We spent all yesterday afternoon trying to get our Taps to work. Adjusted the pressure switch etc etc and thought we were going to have either get whale out or buy a new part. Then we spotted your post and took off the tap filters (didn’t know we had any! Nothing in the manual about those) and bingo perfect running water. Thank you lovely lady! 🙂

  16. rich says:

    bought our Verona in april,had a few issues but nothing bad until you use the heating system on a cold night,be prepared for some sleepless nights due to noise and of the heater which on night mode does not heat up enough,so increase to 750w and your AWAKE all night ,should put the heater unit in the front of van and the ducts on the side not under the bed,behind radio found that the side panels the brackets had been tightened to much and cracked the holders,told bailey and they said to return as easy repair,cooker does not have safety switch my son turn on electric hob and what do you know glass top melted,shower tray did not have any sealant around the bottom,so hen you have a shower,well you guess,and any strong wind outside,it disrupts the heating system and warning comes up on screen (please check flue for blockage) all the time,ohter than those items it is comfortable.

  17. Paul S says:

    Just taken delivery of GT65 Rimini and went away for a week
    We had the same problem with the heating system. I just switched the power off and on and it reset itself. We haven’t got the problem with front beds not fitting, they seem to have made the back support cushions 2 ins lower as I think they must have made them for the unicorn which is a wider body but they now show the insulating board behind and they don’t line up with the front back rest properly and you loose some back support. We still love the van it is our 5 th Bailey I suppose they will sort out the problems

  18. Colin R says:

    Just spent 4 nights in new GT65 Rimini, and the Whale I Van system lost communication with heaters 3 times, leaving us very cold at night. Whale have promised to come out next week and fix it, since reset does not appear to resolve the issue, but my confidence is a bit low, and how will we know until the next time we are in it overnight? Generally pleased with van despite having to spend several hours clearing mastic from the awning channel before it would go through, but these 2 issues have spoilt our first time out enjoyment, and clearly result from poor quality control in manufacture, since many others seem to have same problems. Does Bailey’s reputation no good at all!!

  19. Vickie says:

    Whoops, didn’t realise that my first comment had been posted! I seem to have gone on quite a bit! Sorry folks.

  20. Vickie says:

    Also, just to be accurate, I have raised a total of 13 issues directly to Bailey and the dealer has my new van in their possession currently. I have said that I need the major design issues rectifying before take back the van. What a disheartening start to my new van, I get the summer off work and would usually be away in the countryside with my children for the duration however, because of the major design issues and the Whale system I am unable to do so which is a great disappointment! We have been Bailey owners for 10 years and have never experienced such problems with any other model.

  21. Vickie says:

    Same issues as Steve plus other issues such as front seat cushions are too big to convert to double bed, freezer door does not open properly as it catches on rubber seal, rear single beds have a gap under mattress where pillow and mattress dip. I could go on but I do love the new design of the van although these silly design issues have let Bailey down.

    • Lucie @ Caravan Guard says:

      We’re sorry to hear you’ve been having problems Vickie. Hopefully they will be resolved quickly – keep us updated.



  22. Vickie says:

    I had my new Bailey Rimini GT65 7 weeks ago. From the onset we have had problems with the Whale system. The water pressure is poor and air somehow gets into the system causing a fluctuation of water flow with both hot & cold water. The issue that both Steve and Colin have had has been the same in our van, we had to contact Whale whilst on holiday in Cornwall for them to talk me through a reset process. The caravan dealer then took possession of the van as I have 13 issues outstanding!! Whale engineer came out to the van today whilst at the dealers and has apparently installed new equipment. A further major issue with the van is the front seating will not convert to a double bed as the specification of the seating sizes means that the cushions are too big to fit in the space, therefore we are not able to use the double bed, again this will have to be rectified before I have the van back from the dealer. Other issues that aren’t as pressing although are pathetic design issues are the gaps around the rear single beds. There is a gap at the head end and down the side under the mattress. I have to roll a blanket up and put it under my pillow so that it doesn’t fall back into the gap and the mattress falls to one side because of the gap down the side! The freezer door doesn’t open properly and catches on the rubber door seal because the fridge door does not have enough angle to open fully.
    Oh my, it is a lovely looking new design and there are many aspects which I love but these major design faults and other cosmetic issues have let the Bailey name down!
    I await a reply from Bailey as to the action they are going to take in order to put right these issues.

  23. Steve says:

    Since my last review no further issues with heating & what a van! Anyone who says van is ugly should face it west & watch the sunset through the huge window! No other van on market for value spec will touch it!

  24. gill and malc says:

    we have a 2012 pegassus rimini we love it it has normal fitted kitchen sink thats flush more overhead cupboards not like the latest model with a bowed kitchen sink and less cupboards and those huge windows.

  25. gill and malc says:

    we have the rimini 2012 we love it normal sink that doesent bow right more overhead cupboards not like the latest model that have more windows and less storage.

  26. Colin Breeze says:

    My whale systems failed 3 times on my new verona van. Whale responded quickly but have lost confidence in this new van. When this system failed theres not heating or hot water. They have definitely had serious problems. To add to my frustration, alebit a small one in comparison to the no heating and hot water and spending a night in a hotel because it was too cold, whale sent me a questionaire ablivious to the problems with two smashed mugs inside….they repeated the same thing twice….They had just put these mugs in a jiffy bag and seemed surprised they had not broken in transit….astonishing do you think.

  27. F. Everill says:

    I think fixed beds are a waste of space and not a family van

  28. Andrew staple says:

    Nice looking van got 1

  29. Steve says:

    Took delivery last Saturday morning of GT65 Verona. In the afternoon the heating system wouldn’t work! The I Van control reported lost commnication with the space heater. Reported to Whale help line who sent out a Technician to fix on Wednesday. I’d be suprised if I’m the only one to experience this problem?

    • Craig says:

      Sorry to hear that Steve. Hope you don’t have any further problems.

      Kind regards

      Caravan Guard

  30. mike pocknell says:

    I have this van on order from lady bailey caravans.It will be built on may 6th.I look forward to taking delivery.

  31. Neil says:

    Please beware. if these are anywhere near as poor as our s2unicorn barcellona dont bother. the worst caravan I have ever purchased.

  32. Mark Lomas says:

    We got our GT 65 Verona 2 weeks ago and are really pleased with everything about it. We are off today for 3 nights to try it out for the first time and we cannot wait.

  33. Linda Tucker says:

    Very nice, and I love the windows and the light it will bring in..
    However, I see no service space, we are a family of four and would have no space to plate up!!

  34. Chris Baker says:

    Took delivery of our Pegasus GT65 Verona 2 weeks ago. We are thrilled with it and are taking it out for the first time next weekend. Can’t wait.

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